When you enter into relationship with the Lord, the rest of your life, not some of it, all of it, is to be devoted to service to the Lord—perfecting the saints for the work of the ministry. Don’t entertain desires or thoughts that the ministry is taking all your time and you have no time for your life or to do other things. No, which life? Which other things? This is your life. This is the essence of life. It is the reason for every other pursuit. Stop feeling worried that your life has been hijacked.

If any at all, it is those who are giving all kinds of excuses for not doing anything for the Lord that should be worried. One day they will answer! Don’t allow yourself to be moved by those who, though, they are Christians, and hear the same things as these, are unmoved, and would pursue this world and its fame rather than Christ- 1 John 2:15.

Pray for them, someday, their faith and love may mature and they may understand. What is at stake is too big and none of God’s children should be sitting idly doing nothing. We are all primarily responsible for the work of the Lord. We will each be held accountable for it. Of course, some, more, because of the levels of responsibilities assigned to them.

Fix it in your mind that the ministry isn’t something you are going to stop doing someday because of your job, marriage, kids, or relocation. You cannot. You do not have such rights. You lost it the day you walked into Christ. Your life has been bought with his blood and you do not own yourself! (1 Cor. 6:18).

Jesus said, “his meat was to do the will of him that sent him and to finish his work.” Have you found your work? Do you intend to run and to finish it? What is your meat? What is it that brings the greatest satisfaction to your heart?

What is your greatest quest in this life? What are you doing with life? What is it that is important to you? Is it Christ and His course or you and your course? Whatever you do, remember, you will render account someday before the Lord. How will your account turn out? There is no greater use of this life than to lay it at the feet of Jesus for His use.