Many of you have forgotten about me. You have been distracted by the cares of this world, when I told you to set your mind on things above I meant it. I told you in my word that a soldier does not get distracted by what’s happening around him. Yet I continually see my children engaging in useless arguments and protest. Didn’t I tell you that if you humble yourselves and pray and turn from your wicked ways I will hear from heaven and heal your land? Have you forgotten what’s in My word? My word is life and it is the pathway that will lead you to an expected end. Why then do you seek for me in places you will not find Me? You seek for me on social media, but I am not there. You seek for me in relationships, but I am not there. I am in the secret place and those who dwell there will see My face.

There are no shortcuts to Me. Many of you seek the wrong things when I have cautioned you to seek FIRST My kingdom. It hurts that you want My power, but you don’t want Me. It hurts that you want the gifts I have, but you don’t want Me. It hurts that you desire a kingdom relationship with an earthly partner more than you desire an eternal relationship with the one who owns the kingdom. And somehow the most important message of Me has been lost behind the pulpit. Do you know I am returning soon? Yes, I am coming back. You can only make it if you walk in the spirit. You can only make it if you are without blemish. I am coming back for a bride without a stain or a wrinkle. Yet many constantly try to find means and ways to compromise what My word says to fit their own selfish desires. But My word is My word….even when the earth and the heavens fade away, My word will still remain.

I’ve told you several times in my word that living by the flesh leads to death. Yet most of you constantly gratify the desires of your flesh in the music you listen to, the friendships you keep, the things you watch, the clothing you wear, and the things you do to your bodies; none of which glorify Me. Have you forgotten your body is the temple? I told you in my word that in everything you do let it be done My glory, but few of you seldom think of Me when you’re doing something.

You have been unable to take dominion of the things around you because you have not understood who you are because you don’t know Me. Your identity is in Me and unless you remain in Me you can do nothing. People will only know you are mine if you look like Me. I have not called you to be like them, I have called you to be like Me. I came to remind you that I’m coming. Please don’t forget, I love you. My mercy triumphs judgment.

Though you forget about me daily, you’re always on My mind. Though you sometimes leave the house before talking to Me, I still protect you. My love isn’t conditional. My love is unending. I encourage you to turn from the things of this world. Get back to focusing on me. Get back to spending time with me. Remember, I am calling because I LOVE YOU…

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