Pressing on to Growth

Naturally, from birth we are expected to hit certain growth milestones. Not meeting said growth and development usually suggests a need for medical attention.

In 1 Corinthians 3:1-2, Paul compares the Corinthian Christians to babies. Though they had been in the faith for some time, they had not matured spiritually. The issue wasn’t that they were “fake” Christians or that they had been denied the opportunity and access to growth. Rather, they had simply not engaged in much effort to grow. So, while Paul expected they’d be ready for “solid food”, they were still not ready to chew — like babies!

Many of us, weeks, months, and years after being saved, crave for solid food (being spiritually mature) and all the promises it offers but we continue to feed on liquids (the basics) — like babies. This is likely because we have not taken full responsibility for our growth in the knowledge of God and spiritual understanding.

In general, establishing a growing relationship requires focusing on spending consistent and quality time with the other person. The simple answer to how to grow in your knowledge of God and spiritual understanding is to spend time with Him!

There is a vast difference between knowing “about” someone and knowing someone “personally”. Social media affords us a glimpse into many celebrities’ lives. However, our knowledge of these celebrities is limited to what they choose to share and what we glean from gossips. We’d need to spend quality time with Ps. Sarah Jake’s-Roberts to know and have a deeper understanding of who she is. Similarly, it is important to increase our knowledge about God through sermons and others encounters and experiences with Him. However, if you diligently spend time with and experience God for yourself, you will have a deeper understanding and knowledge of Him than the one who’s simply heard about God but isn’t seeking to know Him more and more daily.

How much time you invest in developing your knowledge of God defines the depth you desire in your walk with Him. Your knowledge of God depends on your encounter and experience with Him. If you desire to be spiritually mature, your increasing knowledge of God is key.

“… that I may know Him …Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.” (Read Philippians‬ 3‬:7‬-14‬ NKJV‬‬)

Paul, after many years as a Christian, communicated that he has not yet attained his knowledge of Christ as he ought, and that he was pressing toward that goal. If Paul, who wasn’t necessarily an average believer, recognized the need to consistently seek to know God more, how much more of us! Increasing our knowledge of God is a progressive journey with no destination.

grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue…” 2 Peter‬ 1‬:2‬-3‬ KJV‬‬

Peter wrote this letter to Christians, reminding us that we aren’t missing the ingredients to living a good and godly lifestyle as we’re called to. However, this requires our effort to know Christ. Struggling with living a godly life is a sign of our lack of a growing knowledge of Christ.

2 Peter‬ 1‬:2‬-3 also reflects God’s love for us and His desire for a relationship with us. We are responsible for desiring a relationship with Him in return and making efforts towards same. When we determine in our hearts and take steps to “know” God in this way, God rewards us by multiplying — not just adding — His grace and peace in our lives and providing “everything we need for a godly life”.

The foundation for growing in your knowledge of God stems from studying the scriptures, prayerfully meditating on it and praying that with God’s help, you will understand, remember and apply it. Journaling is an effective way of tracking your growth. Set your heart and press on to grow in your knowledge of God and spiritual understanding! Then you can expect a multiplication of God’s grace, peace, and all that pertains to life and godliness.


Father, I desire to know you more and to grow closer to you. I pray for grace to develop a deep desire to diligently study your Word and learn to apply the principles in my life. Give me a thirst for your Word and a heart of understanding. Holy Spirit, as I spend time reading and meditating on scriptures, reveal God to me more daily. I’m thankful that through your spending quality time with You, I will receive a multiplication of grace, peace and all that I need to live a life pleasing in your sight. In Jesus Name, Amen!

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