Preach the gospel with joy! It’s GOOD NEWS! When people see how much excitement it brings you, they’ll be interested in hearing more about this good news we are preaching.
Sharing the good news is so important, but does this good news really bring you joy? The psalmist said, “Restore unto me the joy of my salvation!” (Psalm 51:12). In other words “Father let me experience what I felt when I received salvation”.
Remember the day you were saved? The tears of joy that fell down your face? The relief and the peace you felt within?! May God restore that joy unto us again! It is not enough for us to get excited only when our prayers are answered or we receive that breakthrough testimony; we should always be excited that we have been saved and rescued from sin and death!
Why is sharing the Gospel with Joy important?
From a marketing perspective, consumers are always interested in whether a product brings satisfaction. Similarly, nobody will want to know this Jesus we are preaching if they don’t see the joy and excitement He brings us!
It is important to share the gospel with joy because everyone is searching for it. Look around social media, the latest trend is #enjoyment. How blessed we are that joy is a fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22) and because the spirit lives inside of us (Romans 8:9), joy is constantly being produced in us! Our source of joy isn’t in what we see or experience, rather we have joy because the Holy Spirit lives inside of us!
The world thinks it has joy, but what it really has is temporal happiness. It’s our responsibility to show the world that the REAL joy is in Christ and we can do that through sharing the good news, the Gospel!
Your Joy is restored, now what?
I challenge you to share the good news with someone! Tell them everything that Christ has done for you and them! After all, the gospel is the power of God unto salvation! (Romans 1:16). The gospel is the power that redeemed us from hell! It is the power that cleansed and washed us to reconcile us with our Father who we were separated from. These are the reasons why we have joy! When people see how much joy you have in Christ, they’ll want to experience it too!
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