A New Look into the Future

A transition from the past … A new look into the future

God has not given us the Spirit of fear (2 Tim 1:7).
The enemy supplies arguments and pretensions to destroy the places where God will use you the most.
Confidence is something I tend to struggle with, sometimes even fight.
Lacking confidence breeds fear.
Such that I believed I don’t deserve anything good because I lack the confidence in who I am.
In whose I am.

I always feel like I’m a third wheeling person.
I feel my happiest when I’m around others.
Unfortunately, in my mind I can’t help but wonder if the lives of others would function better without me.

The second commandment is that we ought to love our neighbors as ourselves
The irony of it all is that I don’t know how to love me
I say I try
But truly do I?

I know I am loved
I know I am redeemed
I know that I have been sanctified by Christ’s blood
So, my existence truly serves a purpose
Why is it so hard for me to discern?

I feel unworthy
I feel unappreciated by myself
Yet my feelings aren’t who I am
Again, it’s ironic because I know that statement to be true …
Nevertheless, I tend to allow my feelings to override the truth

The heart can be deceitful and carnal.
Fortunately, when your heart is transformed by God you won’t be able to listen to the lies the enemy proclaims
God’s word will be the only truth

God, please let your words be written in my heart
Let your words renew my heart and mind to see EVERYONE including myself in a new light
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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