It is easy to feel frustrated when we do not have clarity about our next step. Scripture reminds us of the criticality of divine direction in those moments. As Prez Prince Edmond emphasized during our 3 nights of Divine Direction, “God has something to say about everything.”

The right direction makes all the difference. When following directions to a destination, not only is the direction important but the source of direction is just as crucial to determine if you truly end up at your destination and how long it takes to arrive. Divine Direction is simply God-given direction. Often, we find ourselves standing at crossroads, unsure of which direction to take. We may even feel like we’re doing everything right but still not seeing the results we prayed or hope for. We need divine direction to ensure we take the right steps and fulfill destiny.

In Luke 5:5-6, Simon and his crew had been fishing all night but caught nothing. You can imagine the frustration—well experienced fishermen unable to bring in a single fish. But when Jesus tells Simon to cast the net again, despite his exhaustion and confusion, Simon follows the instruction. The result? An overflow, so abundant that the nets began to break!

Just like Peter, sometimes divine direction requires us to trust God when it doesn’t make sense. You might have tried before and failed, but when God gives the direction, the outcome is different. Divine Direction always births a “net-breaking moment.”

Lessons from Luke 5:5-6:

1.     Trust God’s Word, even when it doesn’t align with what you seePeter didn’t catch anything all night, but at Jesus’ word, he cast his net one more time.

2.     Obedience opens the door to overflowThe abundance of fish didn’t come from Peter’s expertise but from his willingness to follow Jesus’ direction.

3.     Divine direction leads to unexpected blessingsSometimes God will ask you to step out in faith, even when you feel discouraged or overwhelmed. Trust that His guidance will bring more than you can imagine.

Prez Prince highlighted the importance of obedience through the story of the wedding at Cana (John 2:1-5), where one simple instruction—”Do whatever He tells you“—altered the outcome of the event. This underscores a key lesson: “One direction can affect destinies for good or ill.”

Consider 1 Samuel 15, where Saul’s failure to follow God’s full instruction led to his downfall. Prez Prince aptly stated, “Partial obedience is disobedience.” The consequences of neglecting God’s direction are profound. Every decision we will ever make, carries weight.

Whether in relationships or career, seeking God’s direction is paramount.

During the final night, Prez Prince introduced Divine Providence, describing it as “God ordering a man’s steps in the right direction.” Even when life does not follow our plans, it always follows God’s purpose., Just as we can glean from the story of Abraham’s servant praying for a wife for Isaac in Genesis 24:12-14, trusting in this truth ensures we walk in God’s perfect will, no matter the uncertainties we face.


Prayer: Lord, thank You for the gift of divine direction. Help me to trust Your direction, even when the path seems unclear. Help me to trust You in every season, knowing that You have something to say about every part of my life. May I have the courage to obey Your instructions, even when I don’t understand, and may I experience the overflow that comes with following Your guidance. Order my steps and lead me to the places You have purposed for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen